The Metadata Improvement and Guidance (MetaDIG) Project combines evaluating specific metadata records using a variety of tests defined by the provider or repository with quantitative evaluations and comparisons of metadata collections. It is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
We analyzed metadata from DataOne to explore the influence of community recommendations on the metadata completeness. We analyzed the completeness of EML and CSDGM metadata records from DataONE in terms of the LTER recommendation for Completeness. The goal of the study is to quantitatively measure completeness of metadata records and to determine if metadata developed by LTER is more complete with respect to the recommendation than other collections in EML and in CSDGM. We conclude that the LTER records are broadly more complete than the other EML collections, but similar in completeness to the CSDGM collections.
The first implementation of the Metadata Quality Engine is at the NSF Arctic Data Center. When you search for data and select a dataset, a Quality Report button is available. Click this button to see a report generated using a set of tests specifically designed for the Arctic Data Center. This collection of glacier photos did very well.
I have worked in scientific data management for many years and enjoy working with organizations and communities that share data and knowledge. I am fluent in metadata standards and dialects used in scientific data management and publishing.
We are constantly working to help you change your metadata game. If you have any questions, suggestions, or crazy ideas, please send contact us or connect with us through the details below.
Ted Habermann
ORCID | LinkedIn | Twitter
Erin Robinson
ORCID | LinkedIn | Twitter
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