Seeing the Forest: New FAIR Insights and Connectivity Insight Repository Reports

Seeing the Forest: New FAIR Insights and Connectivity Insight Repository Reports

Repository metadata management often focuses on a single metadata record at a time, making it difficult to see the forest for the trees. We are excited to launch two new services: FAIR Insights and Connectivity Insights. These two new services allow repository managers to zoom out to see a holistic view of their repository, i.e. the forest, in two different ways - completeness for FAIR elements in four use cases, and connectivity for a variety of identifiers.

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Version 4.5 of the DataCite Metadata Schema\ includes several changes supporting the identification and description of instruments. Several DataCite members were describing instruments in DataCite metadata before this capability was introduced and others are beginning to do it now. These existing efforts can inform the development of community conventions and help the broader community understand how to use instrument metadata effectively.

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Funder Acronyms Are Still Not Enough

Funder Acronyms Are Still Not Enough

Funder metadata is becoming more important as the global research infrastructure is engaged as a tool for quantifying impact of funders on research results and as interest in open science increases. Using acronyms in funder names makes it difficult to find identifiers and make the connections that are needed to realize benefits.

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CHORUS Data Journeys

CHORUS Data Journeys

The CHORUS Dashboard provides visualizations and a variety of reports from the Global Research Infrastructure for Federal agencies and other users. The INFORMATE project focuses on three of the CHORUS Reports: All, Author Affiliation and Dataset. The goal of the first phase of the project is to understand the contents of the CHORUS reports and the data collection and processing that bring the data to the reports, i.e. the CHORUS Data Journey.

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INFORMATE: Metadata Game Changers and CHORUS Collaborate to Make the Invisible Visible

INFORMATE: Metadata Game Changers and CHORUS Collaborate to Make the Invisible Visible

How can the global research infrastructure increase understanding of the myriad contributions made to global knowledge by U.S. Federal agencies? How can we use this infrastructure to increase understanding of connections across the U.S. and global research landscape? How can this infrastructure be used to increase completeness, consistency, and connectivity within agency repositories and search tools?

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Responding to the Nelson Memo: Repository Re-Curation for Open Science

Responding to the Nelson Memo:Repository Re-Curation for Open Science

A recent talk introduces the concept of repository re-curation as a means of improving connectivity with identifiers while complying with the Nelson Memo. Examples from three types of research organizations are described: Dryad, a generalist repository, institutional repositories, and biologic field stations. Slides and a video of the talk are included.

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