Metadata Consulting & Standards Adoption

Data that are collected and forged into scientific results are the foundation for understanding how the world and societies work. Metadata are the structured and standard part of the documentation that make those data discoverable, accessible, usable, understandable and, most importantly, trustworthy. Metadata are particularly critical when we are using data that others collected and processed or when others are using our data. Well documented data that others can use and understand build important scientific partnerships. 

I use quantitative approaches to characterizing and understanding metadata collections and help set measurable goals for improvement that bring new capabilities to data providers and users without forgetting that satisfied users motivate the organizational change required to integrate improved metadata into ongoing data management and sharing processes. Success at the technical and social sides of the challenge is my goal.

CoreTrustSeal (CTS) is an international, community based, non-governmental, and non-profit organization promoting sustainable and trustworthy data repository infrastructures. Sixteen CTS requirements cover many aspects of organizational infrastructure, digital object management, and technology. Certification results from repositories submitting an application with descriptions of process and practices that support these requirements. I collaborate with repositories as an informed outsider throughout the application creation, submission, and review process, facilitating discussion and providing guidance in describing and improving repository practices.

Training & Keynote Speaking

As metadata processes and systems evolve, on-going outreach and guidance is critical to engaging organizations and ensuring that real benefits are realized. I am available to help develop training and presentations that keep people focused on the benefits and help them capitalize on new capabilities.

Standards Development

I have worked with groups at all scales to understand community conventions and International Standards from ISO TC 211, the Open Geospatial Consortium, (OGC) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). These standards provide insight into the metadata content needed to address many important use cases. I have also worked with NASA and NOAA to 1) identify needs not addressed by the standards, 2) create extensions to the standards that address those needs, and 3) work with ISO to evolve the standards and integrate those extensions. As a participant in the ISO TC 211, I am very familiar with the ISO metadata standards and approaches to extending those standards for specific communities.


Community Building Strategy

Facilitation and Workshop Design

Solving data interoperability challenges relies on strong community building skills. Our team has decades of experience cultivating communities of practice.

Our team will work with you to design and implement containers for connections, AKA workshops and convenings. We want your events to spur collaborations, create new teams, and cultivate momentum that moves your work forward.