Many researchers create software as a critical part of their research. Whether it is data cleaning, processing, modeling, or visualizing, these software resources need to be integrated into the corpus of research objects. They also need to be described and referenced so that other members of the scholarly community can find them.
Software citation is an on-going interest of mine. I have several blogs and papers that describe my progress:
Citations for HDF Data and Software - An exploration of how HDF software is currently cited in DataCite metadata from many disciplines.
Mapping ISO metadata standards to codemeta - A discussion of challenges of mapping structured metadata to schema.org vocabularies like codemeta.
I have worked in scientific data management for many years and enjoy working with organizations and communities that share data and knowledge. I am fluent in metadata standards and dialects used in scientific data management and publishing.
We are constantly working to help you change your metadata game. If you have any questions, suggestions, or crazy ideas, please send contact us or connect with us through the details below.
Ted Habermann
ORCID | LinkedIn | Twitter
Erin Robinson
ORCID | LinkedIn | Twitter
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