Metadata Game Changers Partners with Openscapes in New NASA-funded Project

We are thrilled to announce that Metadata Game Changers is partnering with Openscapes, housed at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis on a new NASA-funded, three year project! The full announcement is posted to the Openscapes website here:

The project is building out the Openscapes Framework, beyond the flagship Openscapes Science Champions Program, to support NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) as they transition researchers using NASA Earth science data to the cloud.

There are three parts of this framework:

  1. Engage with NASA DAAC Mentors that are creating cloud training materials and through partnering with the Carpentries to provide Train the trainer opportunities as professional development for these leaders.

  2. Empower researchers using NASA data through the Openscapes Science Champions cohort, which will pair the DAAC mentors with research teams.

  3. Amplify open science leaders. Following the engage and empower, we will support the DAAC mentors as they become Openscapes Science Champions facilitators. It is through this last step that we hope to scale Openscapes beyond its current size.

Erin Robinson, Metadata Game Changers Co-Founder, brings significant experience working with NASA DAACs to this project and is looking forward to building on these partnerships as this project moves forward. Erin will support community engagement and has a focus on developing the Science Champions Facilitators. In just the first few weeks of this project, Erin has learned so much about the awesome work happening at the DAACs and she is really excited to identify and learn from these ‘bright spots’!