Metadata Game Changers Partners with Openscapes in New NASA-funded Project

Metadata Game Changers Partners with Openscapes in New NASA-funded Project

We are thrilled to announce that Metadata Game Changers is partnering with Openscapes, housed at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis on a new NASA-funded, three year project! The full announcement is posted to the Openscapes website here:

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Sometimes a Name is Not Enough

Sometimes a Name is Not Enough

Many groups are interested in augmenting their affiliation metadata with RORs and it seems that a list of organization names is the right input to that process... Alas, we know that affiliations are a swamp filled with gotcha's. It turns out that an unexpected (really?) number of organization names resolve to multiple RORs. Actually, almost 800 of them!

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Metadata Evolution - Metadata Completeness, Agility, and Collection Size

Metadata Evolution - Metadata Completeness, Agility, and Collection Size

I recently introduced a simple metric for measuring metadata collection completeness with respect to elements in the CrossRef Participation Reports. The suggestion of this metric immediately led to speculation about relationships between collection size and completeness. Small collections include fewer records – are they more likely to be complete? Publishers with large collections have more resources – do they have more complete metadata? Are smaller publishers more agile - can they change more?

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