Connectivity Insights (DataCite Metadata)


Connectivity Insights (DataCite Metadata)


Connectivity insights measure how well a repository’s metadata record collections are identified and connected to the global research infrastructure through the PID Graph. Connectivity can be quantified for any item or collection of items that can have identifiers. It is the number of existing identifiers divided by the number of possible identifiers. If no identifiers are present, connectivity = 0. If all potential identifiers are present, connectivity = 1. For more details on this type of report, see “University and College Connectivity @ DataCite.”

The insight report can be focused on connectivity for:

  • People - ORCID (how many authors or contributors have ORCIDs?)

  • Affiliations (how many authors or contributors have affiliations?)

  • RORs (how many of your affiliations have RORs?)

  • Funders (how many of your funders have funder names? how many have funder identifiers?)

  • Awards (how many of your awards have award identifiers?)

What’s included: Each analysis includes a customized analysis report, sent within ten business days, and 1-hour meeting to discuss results and identify opportunities for improvement.

Discounts are available for groups of repositories managed by a single organization and repository consortia. Contact Ted.

Note: This offer includes DataCite metadata repositories with fewer than 7,500 records or samples of 7,500 records from larger repositories.

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