Need help searching for RORs? Try RORRetriever!

Cite this blog as Habermann, T. (2022). Need help searching for RORs? Try RORRetriever! Front Matter.

The Research Organization Registry provides access to a growing collection of unique and persistent identifiers (RORs) for research organizations and a web interface and API for searching the collection with an organization name or a affiliation string. The web interface and API work well if you have a small number of affiliation strings that need identifiers, but what if you have several hundred organization names or thousands of affiliation strings?

In a recent blog I showed that many University repositories face this problem. They have large numbers of affiliations that need identifiers to facilitate connections into the global research infrastructure. The process of finding those identifiers can be difficult and time-consuming. RORRetriever is a tool developed to help these repositories and others that are ready to add identifiers to large collections with many affiliations. It can simplify and streamline the process of finding RORs for many affiliations or organization names by providing an automated interface to the ROR affiliation search.

RORRetriever is open-source and available on github.


Use python -h to see this usage description.

usage: RORRetriever [-h] [-a [AFFILIATIONLIST [AFFILIATIONLIST ...]]] [-af AFFILIATIONFILENAME] [-ad AFFILIATIONDATA] [--noacronyms] [--max] [--details] [-o OUTPUTINTERVAL] [--loglevel ]
                    [--logto FILE]

search organization names and affiliations for RORs using the ROR Affiliation Strategy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        a list of "affiliations in quotes"
                        a file with one affiliation per line in current working directory
                        datafile (tsv, csv) with affiliations in cwd)
  --noacronyms          Exclude Acronym matches (default=False)
  --max                 Accept max score if no result chosen by ROR algorithm (more results and noise)
  --details             Show detailed response data (automatic for one ROR)
                        For batch processing output results update interval default:20
                        Logging level
  --logto FILE          Log file (will overwrite if exists)


ROR Reteriever imports the following python modules: requests, json, pandas, urllib.parse, sys, datetime, argparse, datetime, logging, os, re. The file RORRetriever.yml can be used to create the environment using the command conda env create -f RORRetriever.yml

Outputs - ROR Search Results

The results of the search are provided in a tab-delimited file called AffiliationAPI_RORData__TIMESTAMP.tsv. This file has at least one row for every input affiliation but can have more than one if more than one ROR is identified for a single affiliation. In many cases when multiple RORs are found, some are incorrect and curation is required to select the correct one.

The columns in this file are:

Name Definition
affiliationThe complete affiliation being searched
searchString_AffiliationComplete affiliations are split into substrings during the search. This is the substring that found the match.
ROR_AffiliationThe ROR identifier found using the substring.
organizationLookupName_AffiliationThe name of the organization with the found ROR.
country_AffiliationThe country the found organization is in.
match_AffiliationThe kind of match that was found (provided by algorithm).
chosen_AffiliationTRUE if the algorithm chose this organization, FALSE if not.
scoreThe algorithm score for this organization (0 - 1). The chosen ROR typically has the maximun score.
numberOfResults_AffiliationThe number of results returned from the search.
validA column for recording validity during curation (always TRUE prior to curation).

Table 1. ROR output fields.

Outputs - Search Details

Some details of the ROR algorithm response can be displayed using the --details flag. This is automatic if only one affiliation is being searched. if --details is set, a table of the search results is shown with the following fields:

Name Definition
substringSearch string (can be substring of complete affiliation)
scoreMatch score between 0 and 1
matchingTypeMethod that found the match (provided by algorithm)
chosenTrue for chosen ROR False for others
organizationName of organization for ROR (should match substring)
countryCountry of organization

Table 2. Search detail output fields.


As an example of some of the capabilities of this tool consider this list of affiliations:

The University of Alabama Libraries
Arizona State University Library
UC Berkeley Library
MIT Libraries

These strings are affiliation strings (affiliations for short) because they contain the names of research organizations along with other text. These are simple affiliations as they include university names with the words library or libraries. Despite this simplicity, they demonstrate some interesting characteristics of the ROR Affiliation search. These affiliations are in a test file in this repository (OrganizationNamesTest.txt).

The command RORRetriever -af OrganizationNamesTest.txt uses the ROR affiliation API to search for RORs for these affiliations and gives this output to the terminal:

2022-06-27 11:25:00:INFO:RORRetriever: Searching OrganizationNamesTest.txt for affiliations with Affiliation Strategy
2022-06-27 11:25:00:INFO:RORRetriever: 4 Input Affiliations
2022-06-27 11:25:03:INFO:RORRetriever: 3 new RORs written to AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220627_11.tsv
2022-06-27 11:25:03:INFO:RORRetriever: AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220627_11.tsv 3 RORs Found

More details are written to a tab-separated file (converted to a table here):

The University of Alabama LibrariesUniversity of Alabama of AlabamaUnited StatesHEURISTICSTrue1.09True
Arizona State University Library No Match4False
UC Berkeley LibraryUC Berkeley Library Public Library United StatesCOMMON TERMSTrue0.910True
MIT LibrariesMIT Intelligenter Technologien (Germany) GermanyACRONYMTrue0.918True

Table 3. Search results from Affiliations__TIMESTAMP.csv.

The output data shows that between 4 and 18 results were found for each of these affiliations and that RORs were identified for three. The organizationLookupName_Affiliation column gives the name associated with the ROR. In the first row, this name clearly matches the organization name in the input affiliation (The University of Alabama Libraries). In the other cases, the names suggest that either no match was chosen or the incorrect match was chosen.

There are two ways to find out what actually happened. First, the --details option can be used to show details for all searches at once, i.e. RORRetriever -af OrganizationNamesTest.txt --details or we can run each affiliation one at a time which automatically shows details.

Affiliation: The University of Alabama Libraries

The command RORRetriever -a "The University of Alabama Libraries" shows what happened for the affiliation "The University of Alabama Libraries". There were 9 results returned and University of Alabama was selected as the best result (score is 1 and chosen is True). Even though everything went well in this case, it demonstrates the kind of challenges that occur when over 100,000 organization names are being searched. First, many Universities have multiple campuses with very similar names. There are also many cases where states have two Universities with names like "University of Alabama" and "Alabama State University". In this case the algorithm overcame these challenges to find the correct organization. Great job!

2022-06-27 12:40:48:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 Input Affiliations
                          substring  score matching_type  chosen                       ror                                   organization       country
              University of Alabama   1.00    HEURISTICS    True                          University of Alabama United States
              University of Alabama   0.89    HEURISTICS   False                     University of West Alabama United States
              University of Alabama   0.88    HEURISTICS   False                    University of South Alabama United States
              University of Alabama   0.88    HEURISTICS   False                    University of North Alabama United States
                 Alabama University   0.86    HEURISTICS   False                       Alabama State University United States
              University of Alabama   0.86    HEURISTICS   False                   University of Alabama System United States
                 Alabama University   0.82    HEURISTICS   False Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University United States
The University of Alabama Libraries   0.76  COMMON TERMS   False            University of Alabama at Birmingham United States
              University of Alabama   0.75    HEURISTICS   False            University of Alabama in Huntsville United States
2022-06-27 12:40:49:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 new RORs written to AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220627_12.tsv
2022-06-27 12:40:49:INFO:RORRetriever: AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220627_12.tsv 1 RORs Found

Affiliation: "Arizona State University Library"

The command RORRetriever -a "Arizona State University Library" gives the following results:

2022-06-30 11:06:36:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 Input Affiliations
                       substring  score matching_type  chosen                       ror                                       organization       country
Arizona State University Library   0.86  COMMON TERMS   False                           Arizona State University United States
Arizona State University Library   0.65  COMMON TERMS   False            Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City United States
Arizona State University Library   0.54  COMMON TERMS   False                               Arizona State Museum United States
Arizona State University Library   0.54  COMMON TERMS   False Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records United States
2022-06-30 11:06:37:INFO:numexpr.utils: NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.
2022-06-30 11:06:37:INFO:RORRetriever: 0 new RORs written to AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv
2022-06-30 11:06:37:INFO:RORRetriever: AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv 0 RORs Found

The table shows the 4 results that were found and that the chosen column is False for all four, even though the right answer has the highest score (0.86). The algorithm considers a number of factors in making a choice and, in this case, the correct answer did not pass the test.

The --max option can be used to choose the best answer even if the algorithm does not, so the command RORRetriever -a "Arizona State University Library" --max gives the results:

2022-06-30 11:09:19:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 Input Affiliations
2022-06-30 11:09:19:INFO:RORRetriever: ************** Best match is being found (may not be chosen by algorithm, score < 1.0)
                       substring  score matching_type  chosen                       ror                                       organization       country
Arizona State University Library   0.86  COMMON TERMS   False                           Arizona State University United States
Arizona State University Library   0.65  COMMON TERMS   False            Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City United States
Arizona State University Library   0.54  COMMON TERMS   False                               Arizona State Museum United States
Arizona State University Library   0.54  COMMON TERMS   False Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records United States
2022-06-30 11:09:20:INFO:numexpr.utils: NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.
2022-06-30 11:09:20:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 new RORs written to AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv
2022-06-30 11:09:20:INFO:RORRetriever: AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv 1 RORs Found

and the correct ROR is found. Note that the terminal output warns that this flag is set to make sure the user is aware that, while some results may improve, as in this example, there is also more noise introduced into the results. Also note that the results file contains a column named chosen which will be True for RORs selected by the algorithm and False for those not selected by the algorithm as is the case here.

Affiliation: "UC Berkeley Library"

The details for the affiliation "UC Berkeley Library" can be seen using the command RORRetriever -a "UC Berkeley Library" with the results:

2022-06-30 11:11:38:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 Input Affiliations
           substring  score matching_type  chosen                       ror                                         organization       country
UC Berkelely Library   0.88         FUZZY   False                              Berkeley Public Library United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.77         FUZZY   False                Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.57         FUZZY   False                   University of California, Berkeley United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.56         FUZZY   False                                     Berkeley College United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.51  COMMON TERMS   False                          Deutsche Nationalbibliothek       Germany
UC Berkelely Library   0.44  COMMON TERMS   False                                     UC Irvine Health United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.43  COMMON TERMS   False                              Verbundzentrale des GBV       Germany
UC Berkelely Library   0.33  COMMON TERMS   False                         UC Davis Children's Hospital United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.33  COMMON TERMS   False                               UC Davis Health System United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.32  COMMON TERMS   False                                   Fundación Copec UC         Chile
UC Berkelely Library   0.30  COMMON TERMS   False                     University of California, Irvine United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.27  COMMON TERMS   False                     University of California, Merced United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.27  COMMON TERMS   False                      University of California, Davis United States
UC Berkelely Library   0.25  COMMON TERMS   False University of California Hastings College of the Law United States
2022-06-30 11:11:40:INFO:numexpr.utils: NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.
2022-06-30 11:11:40:INFO:RORRetriever: 0 new RORs written to AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv
2022-06-30 11:11:40:INFO:RORRetriever: AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv 0 RORs Found

In this case, the algorithm choses the ROR for "Berkeley Public Library" which has the maximum score (0.90) but is incorrect. The correct answer, University of California, Berkeley is in the results with a score of 0.58.

This example is included here to remind us that there is an algorithm involved in these searches and we should help it as much as possible when we are providing affiliations to journals or repositories. In this case the acronym UC is the problem. The algorithm cannot guess that it stands for University of California. Help it out by writing the affiliation as University of California Berkeley Library and the algorithm gets the right answer (RORRetriever -a "University of California Berkeley Library").

Affiliation: “MIT Libraries”

The final example (MIT Libraries) illustrated another problem case, using an acronym in an affiliation rather than spelling it out. In this case, the command RORRetriever -a "MIT Libraries" shows the 7 organizations with the acronym MIT:

2022-06-30 11:13:19:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 Input Affiliations
    substring  score matching_type  chosen                       ror                                    organization         country
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM   False                 Manukau Institute of Technology     New Zealand
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM   False                   Myanmar Institute of Theology         Myanmar
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM   False       Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport           Italy
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM   False                 International Tourism Institute        Slovenia
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM   False           Massachusetts Institute of Technology   United States
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM    True Management Intelligenter Technologien (Germany)         Germany
          MIT   0.90       ACRONYM   False                 University of Southern Mindanao     Philippines
MIT Libraries   0.77  COMMON TERMS   False                              Libraries Tasmania       Australia
MIT Libraries   0.76  COMMON TERMS   False                           Smithsonian Libraries   United States
MIT Libraries   0.59         FUZZY   False                                  Librairie Droz     Switzerland
MIT Libraries   0.58  COMMON TERMS   False                              Hesburgh Libraries   United States
MIT Libraries   0.57  COMMON TERMS   False                          MIT Lincoln Laboratory   United States
MIT Libraries   0.56  COMMON TERMS   False                             ImagineIF Libraries   United States
MIT Libraries   0.55  COMMON TERMS   False                        Polar Libraries Colloquy          Canada
MIT Libraries   0.50  COMMON TERMS   False                         Cambridge–MIT Institute  United Kingdom
MIT Libraries   0.46  COMMON TERMS   False                                   MIT Sea Grant   United States
MIT Libraries   0.44  COMMON TERMS   False                                  MIT University North Macedonia
MIT Libraries   0.22         FUZZY   False              Academy of Cryptography Techniques         Vietnam
2022-06-30 11:13:20:INFO:numexpr.utils: NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.
2022-06-30 11:13:20:INFO:RORRetriever: 1 new RORs written to AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv
2022-06-30 11:13:20:INFO:RORRetriever: AffiliationAPI_RORData__20220630_11.tsv 1 RORs Found

The flag --noacronyms can prevent RORs based on acronyms from being selected. In this case, that misses the correct ROR but, in cases where RORs are selected on the basis of abbreviations in many affiliations, this can be helpful. Try RORRetriever -a "Metadata LLC USA" for an interesting example.

Affiliation Best Practices

Keep in mind that ROR uses an algorithm to try to find RORs for affiliation strings and, as is always true, the algorithm is designed to work well in most cases. RORRetriever can help find RORs in batch mode if you have many affiliations or organization names to search. I find it very helpful, but always treat the results with care. See the [ROR API Documentation]( for more tips and tricks and try RORRetriever if you have a big ROR search and don’t know where to start!

Most important - write clear affiliations when submitting data and publications!