Journal Connectivity@Dryad: The University of Chicago Press

Journal Connectivity@Dryad: The University of Chicago Press

The Dryad data publishing platform and community have provided secure storage, curation, discovery and access for datasets associated with published scientific papers since 2008 and now holds nearly 50,000 datasets. The platform is supported by an active community of researchers, research organizations, and scientific journals that submit data and support infrastructure development and sustenance. Dryad also has a strong commitment to supporting open, connected science by using identifiers, particularly RORs, throughout the platform. In fact, Dryad has been a leader in adoption of RORs since their initial development.

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Metadata Life Cycle: Mountain or Superhighway?

Metadata Life Cycle: Mountain or Superhighway?

The idea that DataCite exists only to provide DOIs is deeply embedded in repository thought processes and this idea needs to evolve. The research community needs to think about DataCite (and other elements of the global research infrastructure) as powerful resources for describing and connecting the myriad of resources that make up the modern research world. We need to maximize the information that we add into this system to maximize the benefits we can get out of it.

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Funder Metadata: Identifiers and Award Numbers

Funder Metadata: Identifiers and Award Numbers

Improving the completeness and the machine-readability of funder metadata in the global research infrastructure, i.e. DataCite and Crossref, is a critical step along the path of using that infrastructure to identify and characterize research results supported by funders all over the world. A set of 854 funder descriptions from the DRUM repository were processed into 1482 affiliation strings. ROR identifiers were found for 638 of those affiliations and 229 award numbers were extracted.

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The Others

The Others

Identifying diverse contributions made to research objects is the first step in acknowledging those contributions. DataCite includes the contributorType metadata element and a list of twenty types to support this step. A type of Other is included to allow recognition of contributions not included in the list. Understanding how Other is used might help evaluate possible extensions to the contributorType list.

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Improving Domain Repository Connectivity: Identifying Organizations

Improving Domain Repository Connectivity: Identifying Organizations

Adding identifiers for organizations is an important step in the process of increasing connectivity in metadata collections. Organizations make many contributions to domain repositories so each identifier is used many times. In the UNAVCO case, thirty-five identifiers were used over two thousand times.

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Improving Domain Repository Connectivity: Establishing a Baseline

Improving Domain Repository Connectivity: Establishing a Baseline

Domain repositories build strong communities of people and organizations that contribute data, expertise and scientific results. These communities thrive on active connections between data, papers, people, and organizations. Multiple contributions and real-world connections make domain repositories great places for adoption of identifiers and virtual connections that build the PID graph.

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